Sunday, 31 July 2011

The last day of July

today is the last day of july 
also the last day of  three days special
as usual wake up early 
go breakfast 
then check stock
after that take bath go to work 
after my break time 
have no mood to serve customer 
quite lazy and tired 
knock off 
when i heading to the monorail 
received a call 
when i saw the call 
i stop for rushing
since it is a occasional visitor
call me go for a drink and fetch me back home 
the time a little bit touching and happy 
since i no need to rush for the crowded monorail
wait the friend at farenheit 88 there 
then go have a drink 
both of us watching series in the cafe
talk nothing really funny 
then back home...

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Small world

when the time am working 
saw many friends 
after knock off 
my friend fetch me to dinner 
saw my secondary school friend
this world really small 
since this world is really small
and why can't i get a lover
negative minded comingT^T

Friday, 29 July 2011

3 Days Special

today my shop having 3 days special 
all stock will be 50% off 
sure it is many customer 
when the time i start working 
not really much customer
when after office hour
the customer is started increasing 
the time all of us started busy
after my working time still got a long queue
i go inside the cashier to help them 
after that have no choice 
only i take the monorail back home
no bus today 
really tired 
want to carry two pairs shoes for my mum
since when she heard my shop 
having three day special 
she want me help her to buy shoes
bought already two pair 
since she was slept now
not sure whether she like it or not^^ 

Thursday, 28 July 2011

My dinner

late to work 
rushing for the morning briefing 
since quite scare 
after that first break and second break 
then knock off 
take bus 
walk back home 
have my dinner 

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Full day

today work full day
got early since got my uncle fetch me
and have fried egg bread as my breakfast
have manything to do 
until knock off i also doesn't know
today have no traffic jam 
can arrive home early a bit
have to request work as full shift tomorrow
since the first week of august 
i have a interview 
been taking three days for preparation
for the interview^^b 

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Go Yamcha

today after class 
back home 
face traffic jam again as usual
but today just half hour i think
go to leisure meet two of them 
one boy who stay near by also late 
another one girl who on the way
wait them also 
since wasted time in the bus 
wasted time to wait them also 
since the girl i saw her not really happy 
she try to hide her sadness 
no matter how as a friend of you 
hope you can have a mature minded^^

Monday, 25 July 2011

My coursemate

today is monday again
i have to go for classes 
after classes i go dinner with them
which is berry,jessica,jane,benjamin and chang
they are friendly and cheerful
enjoy the moment with them 
after dinner back home 
since the place we have our course 
there got a concert 
we wait for the singer to arrive 
since wait for half hour 
if we back home then is meaningless 
wasted our pass half hour for waiting 
until we saw the singer then we only back home^^

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Abnormal Sunday

early wake up 
heard my family member ask me
whether they can help me buy breakfast
when i wake up 
they already back home with my breakfast
it is DIM SUM
after breakfast go check store 
back home 
take bath and surf internet a while 
then my dad fetch me to work 
since is raining and i have no need to get wet 
like last week 
since i have promise not to forgive them 
but this time i have no idea to not forgive them 
since we are a family ... 

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Traffic jam again

work morning shift 
after work then take bus back home 
face a traffic jam again 
the stupid driver 
i doesn't know what he do 
stop at the bus station so long time 
and did not go shortcut 
wasted my time 
using one and half hour only back home 
haiz...weekend also traffic jamT^T

Friday, 22 July 2011

Morning shift

today morning shift 
handphone alarm delay and delay 

until 9:00 i only willing to wake 

take bath brush my teeth
after all those stuff 
then set off to work  
i have something to do 
then my working time pass quickly 
i have to check stock 
replenish stock on selling floor
count the daily sales
write the briefing book 
serve customer 
i have no enough time to rest
quite tired 
today can back home early 
early few hour since when the time 
i having bus heading back home 
there are a traffic jam
in the journey saw the sky getting dark 
and fulminating
luckily didn't rain^^ 
after arrive the bus stop

Thursday, 21 July 2011

My second full day

today punch in at 10 am
have few pieces biscuit be my breakfast 
then go to work
pass two break time 
first break go have my lunch 
second  break window shopping and drink smoothies  
then after work 
later take bus back home 
nothing special for today>.<

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Full days

today full days 
having Mcd as my breakfast 
on that moment i realize that
milo is quite expensive 
a large size of cool milo 
it cost  ringgit something 
it expensive than a burger 
after that go to work 
today is my counter to lead for the 
morning briefing 
i carry on the topic and colleague 
to have the question and answer
stock in 15 carton 
all bags 
until my break time come back also can't finish 
after that one of my colleague help me finish it 
during my second break time 
i have spent almost 20 ringgit on those biscuit
that i buy in the groceries shop 
after my job went back home by bus 
after bus then walk back home
leave my belonging 
go to pasar malam 
buy my dinner
my dinner was a free CHAO KUEW TIAO
thanks to my uncle 

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Done a good deed

today have classes 
once again make sir disappointed
after classes goes to work 
then after work 
take bus back home 
during the journey 
there a mother with two child 
i leave my sit and give the mother and children
i am happy to did this 
stupid i bring mp3 and forgotten headset 
back home with no music^^ 

Monday, 18 July 2011

I will do better next time

goes for classes on time
have presentation to introduce a new friend 
tell myself not to be nervous 
i have a good beginning 
after that nervous forgotten all my point 
later the sir stop my presentation 
score me 6 only 
the worstest in the class
shame on myself 
sure next time i will try my best 
i'm not act like a child 
just be myself only
don't give up 

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Suicide note

dunno how to start for this topic 
if once a day i face an accident pass away 
i am sure it is my retribution 
since i do bad thing a lot
so what i got today 
depend on which way
firstly i wanna thanks to my parent 
especially my mum and dad
because they bring me to this world
i need to apologize for quarrel always  
coming on is my siblings 
i enjoy the moment with you all 
since i have a interested childhood 
next will be my groupies 
thanks a lot when i am emotion  
you all by myside 
like be awarded speech^^

Saturday, 16 July 2011


today have nothing special 
i work in noon shift 
when i begin to work 
i though my pen knife was lost already 
after my break come back to work 
i only realize that i had borrow the cleaner 
to open the carton boxes yesterday 
9 something 
i serve a customer need to do alteration 
i had do wrong the length 
the length one longer and another one shorter 
quite nervous the customer will do complaint 
finally one of my colleague help me to solve it
then all my problem had solve 
and i learn how to sent figure already...

Friday, 15 July 2011


today work morning shift 
suddenly rain heavily 
doesn't know what happen 
the monorail such empty
not like yesterday crowed 
i have to like a lizard alongside the slide door
after work back home also rain 
set off to work rain and back home also rain 
damn unluckyT^T 

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Give up

today work full day 
i did not take a nap 
in the early morning 
since i reach the shop early 
i have to prepare my breakfast 
today i have a special fried rice 
it is Thai Fried Rice
i can't imagine that i know how to cook it 
as usual i work then break then after work 
i back home pass by the main door 
saw many people 
having ear phone along with me 
when the time i walk to bus station 
keep asking myself why you want to force yourself 
just be yourself
why you so stupid doing this kind of silly stuff 
no one will care about you 
better you take care yourself 
all the negative thinking coming out 
i think i am too stress on working 
then all the working stuff stuck my brain 
have to take a good rest 
recharge myself

sweet dream...

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Experiment of Parkson Plastic Bag

today wake up 
as usual i have few pieces biscuit 
as my breakfast 
after that bath then set off to work 
i bring a 6.6 liter of mineral water 
and 1.5 liter mineral water to work 
from the shop to the place i work 
really heavy 
i put both of the mineral in a plastic bag
it is a Parkson plastic bag 
it can support the weight 
this prove that 
the value of Parkson plastic bag 
can support heavy thing
stupid isn't it^^?

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Have to work after my class

today i am late to my classes 
my first time get late to the classes
after my classes 
i got to the place i work 
to get back the trousers 
which it get wet on sunday 
since raining 
during the way go to the place i work 
i check my phone 
whether got any miss call or message 
i saw a message 
show that no enough people to work 
that mean i have to replace them
then i got to work
during my off day 
a little bit tired 
but i like it 
since after classes i have nothing to do 
then just go for work 
quite suddenly what i had decided^^

Monday, 11 July 2011

A Abnormal Monday

today early wake up on 11 something
suddenly that cool blood animal 
ask me whether have my breakfast 
already or not?
i don't want to answer her 
then she give me rm50 
i did not take from it 
then i have biscuit and tea as my breakfast
until i after classes back home 
also did not feel hungry 
i am enjoy the moment i having classes 
feel happy doesn't know why so happy 
just really happy when i see the sunset 
while i after bus walking back 
listening my music 
past by the football field 
there are some poeple playing footbal 
really like this feel
so natural^^

Sunday, 10 July 2011

My horrible family

today as normal wake up early 
i thought they are going to check stock 
who know they had done it already 
on yesterday 
what the fuck i had less rm30 income
so poor now 
when i set off raining heavily 
my dad was washing his most expensive car 
also don't want to fetch me to work 
during the way i go to work 
my pant is getting wet 
and i have no choice to take taxi to work
it wasted me rm10 
i have wasted rm15 on my new sock also
since my sock get wet also
when i going to break only figure it out 
i have no money to have my lunch 
go to atm withdraw 
only left rm 50 
the machine show that only left rm 50 
cant withdraw
that moment really want to cry already 
on that time i hate my family 
decide not to forgive them 
feel they all are cool blood and unreliable
better learn how to be independence...

Saturday, 9 July 2011


For me i will vote to bersih
who want a dirty government
wasted our money do something stupid
wake up early since i have no idea 
with the LRT whether got close or not
when i went to LRT (PUDU)
they all have no close on this station 
but it close the HANG TUAH station 
all the people can't go there
so i have to go PLAZA RAKYAT do transit 
then back to PUDU walk to the place i work 
sweat a lot 
at least today i feel malaysia police do a right thing 
protect the citizen 
but who rebellion i saw them injure in the video 
hope you all realize they all just on duty 
feel a little bit ashamed as a citizen of Malaysia 
hope once a day Malaysia have a nice government...

Friday, 8 July 2011

Late to work

sleep until 9 am only wake up
since is working morning shift today
need to punch in before 930
i reach there on 958
late for 28 minute
after work back home
heart that damn bad heart women
say some bad word  about me
she think that i not yet come back to the home
argue again
hope i can leave this home stay by myself
and not necessary to face them
no matter what happen
hate to stay here
even that here what also got
but i think one thing had miss out
it is kinship...

Thursday, 7 July 2011

A weird day

early morning reach shop 
i cook my breakfast by myself 
i bring all the stuff from home to the shop 
after have my breakfast 
go bath then set off to work 
i had learn how to count the daily sale 
one of my hot temper colleague 
suddenly become so soft 
i think he is in love
but something i am regret what i told him 
and feel that there are some thing will happen on me 
soon...waiting the day coming~

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

A new staff

today my shift is noon shift 
when i am awake 
i am suffering what time i should be there
then i call to office 
i work noon shift want to arrive before what time
after that i only know is before 1 pm
iron my uniform 
change my uniform 
then go for work 
so concentrate on my work
then my time past so fast also 
4pm my lunch time
after one hour come back to work 
a new staff come to work
i din recognize him 
just know his name dickson 
doesn't know want to talk about what topic 
since we study same course 
until after work also din't talk much
have to sleep early 
because tomorrow work full day 
have to wake up early 
and work whole day not half day 

Tuesday, 5 July 2011


yesterday was geography messing me up 
and today is english since i can't speak well 
suddenly all my positive minded had lost
feel that to be a carbin crew is a matter harder that be a god 
today early morning 10 have my classes 
until 1 had one hour break 
then go dinner with my friends 
in class have to in formal wear 
a tie is must with it
during lunch time i had take of the tie 
when i come back 1 something 
continue my second classes 
i forgotten to put my tie on 
so i had advised by teacher go out to wear my tie on it 
normally i got to class i have fold up my sleeve 
since the whether is very hot 
the teacher advised me again 
during her class cannot fold up the sleeve 
have to go out again
so shame
one class don't know want to sorry how many times T^T

Monday, 4 July 2011


early morning rush to the place i work 
to get my shoes for study 
since i wearing my sport shoes 
to there for change it 
wearing a office attire with sport shoes
freaky funny and crazy 
now i felt regret 
because i din't study well 
on my geography subject 
today have a same teacher who taught us last time
he just like a geography teacher 
ask about the geography question
want to get a geography teacher 
tuition with me

Sunday, 3 July 2011


730 my phone alarm ringing 
and i not willing to wake up early 
since had to take bus so have to get up early 
today not work in the place usually i work 
in difference place 
buy some fried food on the mamak 
and a pack of  milo as my breakfast 
be a little bit nervous 
each place got the own rules and regulation 
since i have no pass and uniform 
hang in the staff entrance for few minute 
the staff say manything 
make me feel annoyed 
finally a staff give me the pass 
and conduct me to the selling floor
afternoon had Mcdonald as my lunch
luckily here close on 930
then i can back home early
to do my assignment
got to sleep early also...

Saturday, 2 July 2011


Today work morning shift 
quite lazy to wake up early 
when i reach dad shop the first thing is 
i reheat the bento i bought on tuesday 
and then cook my fried rice 
have a cup of oatmeal drink 
bath then set off to work
serve some problem customer 
lunch with colleague 
tidy up the store room
now i feel my life is tired but it is worth^^ 

Friday, 1 July 2011

First Day

First day of July
first day i coming back to work 
first day be so independence 
remember the first day when i work here 
since tired but i am happy and enjoy at all 
no matter what the others said 
just let it be my life still wanna goes on 
don't give up easily 
what you doing is what you decided 
don't regret